Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Well I guess I probably confused a lot of people because the time was not quite right for the French Lab report to come out. Now I would like to tempt some of you to come with me inside a world of Math and I must tell you now many will give-up or say,, I'll let the mathematicians explain and I will build the equipment.
My good Friend Mikado did build something but as far as I know he was unable to use it or it did not work. I'm not sure what it is but all he seems to want to do is "insult" and "Argue" with the daughter of the inventor that he says he knows everything about. I have known Linda Brown a whole lot longer than the man who calls himself Mikado. We still keep his face out of the net but I declare now that Mikado betrayed me when I shared Kitselman's math with him. How many more do I have to discover were just pulling my dick before we get anything done with the Technology that Thomas Townsend Brown and Nicola Tesla started to experiment with. Kitselman was Brown's friend and mathematician, but Mikado did not strike the same kind of friendship with me The Report you want to download and read can be found here: http://www.peeteelab.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=46&Itemid=41 http://www.peeteelab.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=46&Itemid=41 Scanit or just click on it. The man in Black Peetee le Trickfox

Friday, May 11, 2012

Dr. Cornillon left us with interesting material but let's see what else dr. Cornillon leave us in his 1955-57 report about the Paris Experiments....HERE IS THE link
Here in the birthday picture Jaques Cornillon is the one with the dark rimmed glasses. Thomas Townsend Brown is sipping from the giant Champagne glass Have a look at HIS lab report now translated in American English.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Total success is:

Controlling your own bubble of reality such that everything else in the universe can be described and personnally quantifid as the quantum domain allows it to exist.

My heart was recently stopped for two hours while they added titanium valves, and a couple of bypasses in my arteries. When they restarted my heart, it began to tick-tock just like a clock but the time sequency was often random and my pacemaker now kicks-in to help reajust the sequency of my heart beats.

So, I'm alive because I spend 18 hours a week conneced to a Dialisys machine, and the rest of my body has various metal parts and a adjustable clock that keeps changing my heartbeat sequency lengths. Everything was placed in my body to keep me alive.

It was a very expensive process which came very close to six million dollars man Steve Austin, and I'm pretty shure it has so far since 1997 when I was suppose to die.
STILL I'm ALIVE and doing better each day after they stopped my heart 32 days ago.Now I'm participating on an exciting new path as I heal and get stronger.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Geez, I completely forgot about feeding this blog spot... I see Rose has started her blog spot also.... could it be that we need to link up in a webring of some kind too.

Friday, May 8, 2009

What's in the future for: Thomas Townsend Brown "technology"

Welcome to the Quonset Hut
What now. The financial meltdown is cooling off a bit but we are going to have to deal with religion and war in the middle east.US President Obama has done his 100 days, and no word from his UFO conspiracy resolution chief. It's not important enough to worry about folks.
"Looks like the whole Extraterrestrial issue is not going to be visited after all Mr. Sala"

There are still ........just a bunch of coins to collect....There is more to life than High Voltage!

We are just collecting our thoughts together and talking about the upcoming book by Linda Brown So Join us: