My good Friend Mikado did build something but as far as I know he was unable to use it or it did not work. I'm not sure what it is but all he seems to want to do is "insult" and "Argue" with the daughter of the inventor that he says he knows everything about. I have known Linda Brown a whole lot longer than the man who calls himself Mikado. We still keep his face out of the net but I declare now that Mikado betrayed me when I shared Kitselman's math with him. How many more do I have to discover were just pulling my dick before we get anything done with the Technology that Thomas Townsend Brown and Nicola Tesla started to experiment with. Kitselman was Brown's friend and mathematician, but Mikado did not strike the same kind of friendship with me The Report you want to download and read can be found here: http://www.peeteelab.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=46&Itemid=41
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